Reading Assignment #3

El Lissitsky//
He was influenced and was a part of the Suprematists group in Russia. However, he later took on the hat of the Constructivists. Constructivists used their artistic abilities to further the new Russian state.
El Lissitsky wanted to use his work to create a new language using shapes and colours for a mass of illiterate people.
He loved grids, limited colour palettes, and pure geometric forms.
He pretty much pioneered the way for the Swiss Style of design with his love for asymmetry and usage of white space.

Rodchenko was a man of many trades with his ability to paint, design and photograph.
He pioneered photomontage and used his avant-garde ideals to design for the Russian Revolution.
Just like the other Constructivists, Rodchenko used a diagonal axis, asymmetry, sans serif type, white space, and bold photography to create his designs.

The Stenberg brothers worked together to create dynamic movie posters with the use of bright, saturated colours (despite them advertising black and white films), and incorporated movement into their posters which had not been done so before.

The Constructivist Manifesto//
Rodchenko, Stepanova, and Gan are the "original" Constructivists and all others after are just riding on the bandwagon for attention.
They saw technology as a way to serve the masses and pointed out the square and the possibilities of the grid.

Our Book//
What will be the next new thing in art and design?
Because everything has been a remix of a remix of the original idea and invention.
When will something new be created?
In the field of book production something new will arise to further dematerialisation.
I think he's saying that the future book will be something where if you can memorise and know what symbols mean then you'll be able to read what it's saying.
Like with his Chinese character example:
You can memorise what each form is and it's meaning. But it's another ball game when you try and remember the sound it makes. 
And so future books may be where if you can memorise the meaning of each form then you'll be able to read this new book form.
The form of the book itself is beginning to change. Not only with digital books but also in the realm of book arts. 
Maybe the way we receive and consume information will change in a whole new way as well?